Combat Fitness
There are many ‘crazes’ that hit the gym scene every year, but one that has been going from strength to strength is the trend in ‘combat fitness’ With variations of Tai Bo such as Khai Bo, kickboxing and Tae kwan Do making their way to the top of most gym class programs.
The attraction to such classes lies in the ubiquitous nature of the exercise. Combat fitness provides a strong aerobic workout, the learning of a new skill such as special kicks and foot movements, and also empowers the practitioner with a form of self defence.
It seems to have something for everyone; the class where unusually there is an equal interest from both the male and female market.In today’s environment one of the main causes of illness is stress brought on by competitive work environments being combined with a busy family life, the strains of city living such as traffic jams, long working hours and continuous need for self improvement. One of the ways of combating a lot of the helplessness we feel in our professional lives is empowerment in our personal lives and as the stresses and strains of professional life has increased so to has the demand for fitness classes which give us this feeling of empowerment. Alot of the aggression that we feel can be literally pelted out in the class allowing us to control and manage our feelings better. Studies have shown that people who do some kind of combat fitness class are less stressed in their normal everyday lives. The new variations of combat fitness like Tai Bo usually do not take a high level of skill and are a good alternative for people who have never done any martial art or combat class previously. Tai Bo is available in most gyms nationwide due to its high demand. Anyone wondering what to expect from a a Tai Bo class think of Billy Blanks Tai Bo of the late nineties, with a few more moves from kick boxing thrown in. The likes of Tae Kwan Do or Judo are usually less generally available as they require a higher level of skill and need to be thought by a master. Despite this they are still also increasing in popularity.